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Select Poems Online

"To My Daughter," Verse Daily (originally appeared in Sugar House Review)
"Snow Prayer," Verse Daily (originally appeared in Colorado Review)
"It is Friday night," Verse Daily (originally appeared in Connecticut River Review)
"Kid, this is the first rain," (originally appeared in
The Missouri Review)
"Kid, this is Iowa," (originally appeared in The Missouri Review)
"Kid, this is October," (originally appeared in
The Missouri Review)
"Ella's Plan," (originally appeared in The Southern Review)
"How Ella Knows," (originally appeared in The Southern Review)
"Gratitude Ode: Snowplow," Valparaiso Poetry Review
"Life Story," Poet Lore
"The Best Day of Middle School,"   Baltimore Review
"You Are Going to Die," The Shore
"Ella's Garage," The Shore
"Ella in the Classroom," The Shore
"The Invention of Twitter," Atticus Review
"Ella's Nocturne,"
Beaver Magazine
"Ella in the Dust," Beaver Magazine
"Chronic," Rogue Agent
"Figures 5-28," The Gravity of the Thing
"Kid, these are train tracks,"
"Impactful," The Laurel Review
"Kid, dreams are little curls of light," JuxtaProse
"The Climb," Rattle
"I Saw Bill Clinton This Morning on My Run," New Orleans Review
"Song of the Good Body," Verse Daily (originally appeared in FIELD)
"Minor Seventh," The Writer's Almanac
"Major Third," Slate
"The Voyeur's Blues," River Styx
"Portrait of Two Friends Wrestling," Drunken Boat
"Kid, you have hands" and "Kid, this is school" decomP
"At the Chippewa Nature Reserve," Ascent
"Your Hands on This Rail," Memorious
"I Come from Indiana," Juked
"What Geraniums Smell Like," See Spot Run (previously in Swink)
"Why I Failed at Baseball," See Spot Run (previously in Spoon River Poetry Review)
"The Joy of Painting," See Spot Run (previously in Juked)

Jeffrey Bean poem poets poet poetry poems
Jeffrey Bean poem poets poetry poems central michigan university
Jeffrey Bean poem poet poets poetry poems Central Michigan University
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