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Photo credit: Kennan White
-August 8 2024
It's here! My latest full-length poetry book, Everywhere, Everywhere,
which won the 2024 Vern Rutsala Book Prize, selected by poet Robert
Morgan and published by Cloudbank Books, is now for sale on my
website! It will be available from Amazon and Cloudbank Books in
September. Get a signed copy now!
-May 1, 2024
Honored to have two poems in the incredible new anthology
Braving the Body.
-February 17, 2024
Big news! My latest full-length poetry book manuscript,
Everywhere, Everywhere, has won the 2024 Vern Rutsala Book Prize,
selected by poet Robert Morgan, and will be published later this year
by Cloudbank Books. I love the books Cloudbank makes, and I'm
thrilled to be a part of a press that has published books by several
of my poetry heroes. Deeply grateful to Cloudbank and Robert
Morgan and can't wait to bring the new book into the world!
-April 3, 2023
I'll be leading a week-long generative poetry writing workshop open
to all skill levels this summer from July 31-Aug 4, 2023. Join me in
magical Rockport, Maine at Maine Media Workshops for
Things Poems Do.
--January 23, 2023
It was pretty cool of Saginaw news channel WNEM TV5 to add this
five minute segment about my new chapbook to the evening news.
Grateful to them for reaching out for the interview—and for
wanting to do a story on poetry! Watch the interview here.
--November 29, 2022
Thanks to the editors of Moon City Review for nominating
my poem "My Friends!" for a Pushcart Prize!
--October 29, 2022
Happy that my poem "Mirror" appears in the astonishingly good
new issue of I-70 Review.
--October 17, 2022
My poem "Snow Prayer," originally published in Colorado Review, is
the poem of the day today over at Verse Daily.
--October 15, 2022
Grateful to have two new poems in the big, beautiful new issue of
Moon City Review.
--October 1, 2022
Stoked that three of my "Ella" poems appear in the beautiful new
issue of South Dakota Review.
--September 15, 2022
Wonderful to have another poem, "Second Language Acquisition
Exercise--Telling Lies," in the latest issue of Poet Lore.
--September 4, 2022
My poem "Under my shirt, above my belt, there is an ache" appears
in the wonderful new issue of Redactions.
--August 19, 2022
My poem "To My Daughter," originally published in Sugar House
Review, is the poem of the day today over at Verse Daily.
--August 9, 2022
Thrilled that my poem "Snow Prayer" appears in the new issue of
dream journal Colorado Review.
--July 23, 2022
My poem "It is Friday night," the first poem in my new chapbook
Ella's Plan and originally published in Connecticut River Review,
is the poem of the day today over at Verse Daily.
--July 11, 2022
My poem "To My Daughter" appears in the fabulous new issue of
of Sugar House Review.
--June 13, 2022
The recording of the chapbook launch for Ella's Plan, my reading
and conversation with host Naomi Shihab Nye, is now available!
--May 2, 2022
Big news! I'm beyond thrilled to announce that my chapbook
manuscript, Ella's Plan, has won The Poets Corner Chapbook
Contest and will be published by Maine Media Workshops + College.
The chapbook was chosen as the winner by the poet Naomi Shihab
Nye, one of my favorite poets and one of the first I read in high
school when I started writing poems. I'll be reading from the
chapbook in an online book launch hosted by Naomi Shihab Nye
on June 12th. Register here for the reading. You can get a sneak
peak at the chapbook and pre-order it here.
--April 27, 2022
Thrilled to have my poem "My great-great grandfather's glasses"
out in the new issue of Cave Wall, a journal I've admired for years.
--April 20, 2022
Very excited that my poem "Love Poem in Quarantine" appears in
the new issue of The South Carolina Review.
--April 13, 2022
Grateful to The Laurel Review for including my poem "'Impactful'"
in their amazing new issue.
--March 6, 2022
My new poem "Truths" appears in the latest issue of Cherry Tree in
great company.
--January 14, 2022
Thrilled that my new poem "Gratitude Ode: Snowplow" is a part of
the great new issue of Valporaiso Poetry Review.
--January 2, 2022
Loving the new “Surrealism and Strangeness” issue of Poet Lore,
which is brilliantly guest-edited by one of my favorite poets, Tarfia
Faizullah, and I’m thrilled that my poem “Life Story” is a part of it.
--December 15, 2021
My new poem "The Invention of Twitter" is up now at Atticus
--December 7, 2021
First ever pub in a Canadian journal! Happy to have two new "Ella"
poems in the latest issue of The Antigonish Review.
--December 1, 2021
Excited to have a new poem, "Another Summer," out in the excellent
new issue of Crab Creek Review!
--October 22, 2021
Thanks to the editors of Connecticut River Review for nominating
my poem "It is Friday night" for a Pushcart Prize!
--October 15, 2021
I contributed three sonnet prompts to the new craft book
The Strategic Poet from Terrapin Books. Thrilled to be a part
of this inspiring book along with so many amazing poets!
--October 1, 2021
Loving the new issue of Connecticut River Review, and thrilled that
my poem "It is Friday night" is included.
--September 11, 2021
My poem "Chronic" is out now in the latest issue of Rogue Agent.
--August 16, 2021
Proud to have two poems from my "Ella" series in the first ever issue
of Beaver Magazine! Check out the poems here and here.
--July 20, 2021
So grateful to poet Todd Kaneko for selecting my poem "The Best
Day of Middle School" as the winner of Baltimore Review's summer
prose poem contest! Read the poem here.
--June 22, 2021
Excited to have a new (strange) poem called "Figures 5-28" out today
at the ever awesome journal The Gravity of the Thing.
--April 15, 2021
A few months ago, a bright and talented student at a high school in
Ohio reached out to me after reading my poem "Kid, this is October,"
in her senior English class. We’ve had a lively correspondence going
ever since—and the school recently posted this nice write up about
--March 15, 2021: The Voyeur's Gratitude
Very cool to learn that San Francisco based composer
Erling Wold has set my poem “The Voyeur’s Gratitude” to music
and made the following awesome video. Nikola Printz is the
amazing singer in the video, and maybe my favorite part is that
Nikola plays both parts—the voyeur and the person they are
--March 4, 2021: AWP
My panel "Crossover Collaboration: Poets with Visual Artists and
Musicians" debuts on March 4th at 1:20 p.m (virtually) at AWP 2021.
This panel was prerecorded in December with the dream team of
Rebecca Morgan Frank, Timothy Liu, Douglas Kearney, and my
CMU colleague, former student, and friend, Joanna White.
--July 23, 2020: The Laurel Review
Loving the new issue of The Laurel Review, and thrilled to have my
poem "My Yard" included in this issue alongside several wonderful
writers. I'm especially proud that my poem appears next to new
work by my friend Robert Fanning, my colleague in the creative
writing program at CMU and one of my favorite poets.
--July 31, 2019: The Shore
The Shore, a cool new lit mag, has accepted three new poems of
--January 10, 2019: JuxtaProse
A brand new "Kid" poem of mine appears in the latest issue of
JuxtaProse Magazine.
--January 2, 2019: Poets.Org Feature
Happy to learn that, the website of The Academy of
American Poets, is featuring four poems from my "Kid"
series along with the two "Ella" poems they featured last October.
--January 1, 2019: The Southern Review
Another poem in my "Ella" series, "Lying in Bed, Ella Looks out
Her Bedroom Wind0w," has been accepted for publication by The
Southern Review.
--October 11th, 2018:
Thrilled to learn that two poems of mine, "Ella's Plan" and "How
Ella Knows," originally published in The Southern Review, are
featured on, the website of The Academy of American
poets. See the feature here.
--July 22nd, 2018: The Lascaux Prize in Collected Poetry
Woman Putting on Pearls has been chosen as one of eight finalists
for The Lascaux Prize in Collected Poetry. Congrats to the winner
and the other finalists! The complete results are here.
--June 1st, 2018: Poached Hare
Five poems of mine are featured at the cool new journal Poached
Hare as the "monthly showcase" for June.
--May 15th, 2018: Snowflakes in a Blizzard
Grateful to the blog Snowflakes in a Blizzard for featuring Woman
Putting on Pearls today along with an interview about the book.
--April 1st, 2018: New review of Woman Putting on Pearls
Big thanks to the uber-smart Brian McKenna for his amazing
review of Woman Putting on Pearls in Newfound.
--January 16th, 2018: New Orleans Review
Thanks to New Orleans Review for publishing my new poem"I Saw
Bill Clinton This Morning on My Run" as a Web feature on their
--November 7th, 2017: Verse Daily
My poem "Song of the Good Body" from Woman Putting on Pearls
is the poem of the day today over at Verse Daily.
--October 15th, 2017: The Southern Review
Proud to announce that two new poems of mine, "Ella's Plan" and
"How Ella Knows," have been accepted for publication by The
Southern Review.
--July 19th, 2017: Fired Up and Focused
Central Michigan University has featured my teaching and
writing in a "Fired Up and Focused" profile on the university's
website. Check it out here.
--June 8th, 2017: New book is out!
Woman Putting on Pearls, winner of the 2016 Red Mountain
Poetry Prize, is available now! Buy a SIGNED COPY directly
from the author here.
Or, order your copy at Red Mountain Press or Small Press
--May 11th, 2017: New book available for pre-order!
Woman Putting on Pearls, winner of the 2016 Red Mountain
Poetry Prize, is available for pre-order now! Order your copy at
Red Mountain Press or Small Press Distribution.
--October 16th, 2016: The new chapbook is out!
The Voyeur's Litany, winner of the Anabiosis Press Chapbook
Prize, is available now! Buy a SIGNED COPY directly from the
author here.
--September 28th, 2016: Red Mountain Press Poetry Prize
Huge news! My book manuscript, Woman Putting on Pearls, has
been selected by judge Sarah Sousa as the winner of the 2016 Red
Mountain Press Poetry Prize and will be published next year. It's
been a wonderful experience working with the press and editor
Susan Gardner so far, and I can't wait to bring the book into the
--July 28th, 2016: Rattle's Ekphrastic Challenge
Grateful to editor Timothy Green for choosing my poem "The
Climb" as the co-winner of last month's "Ekphrastic Challenge" at
Rattle Magazine. Check it out here.
--February 8th, 2016: Poem of the Week
My poem "Kid, this is October" is the poem of the week this week
atThe Missouri Review online! Read it here.
--August 25th, 2015: New chapbook on the horizon!
Very happy to report that my chapbook manuscript, The Voyeur's
Litany, has won the 2015 Anabiosis Press Chapbook Contest and
will be published next year by Anabiosis Press.
--July 23rd, 2015: Five poems accepted by The Missouri Review
I'm thrilled to announce that The Missouri Review will publish
five new poems of mine in their winter 2015 issue. The Missouri
Review is one of my favorite lit mags of all time, and this will be
my first publication with them.
--July 22nd, 2015: Poems accepted by Poet Lore
Grateful to the journal Poet Lore for accepting two poems from my
"voyeur" series for publication!
--July 11th, 2015: Poems accepted by decomP
Good news today! The online journal decomP will publish two
new poems of mine in their September 2015 issue.
--May 5th, 2015: New Poetry from the Midwest Anthology
So excited to have two poems included in New American Press's
New Poetry from the Midwest Anthology, which is now on sale.
This is the best poetry anthology I've read in a long time--highly
--April 1st, 2015: Poems in The Antioch Review
Thrilled to have two poems from my "voyeur" series featured
in the spring 2015 issue of The Antioch Review.
--February 5th, 2015: Poem accepted by The Raintown Review
Many thanks to The Raintown Review for accepting my poem
"The Voyeur and the Fireflies" for publication in a forthcoming
--December 1st, 2014: Pushcart Nomination
Big thank-you to the wonderful journal Smartish Pace for
nominating my poem "It's Morning in Michigan" for the Pushcart
--June 27th, 2014: Willow Springs Profile
Thrilled and honored to be featured in an author profile on
Willow Springs Magazine's website.
--May 20th, 2014: The new chapbook is out!
Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window, winner of the Vern Cowles/Copperdome Poetry Chapbook Prize, is available now from
Southeast Missouri State University Press. Buy it here!
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